45 pals
There are 45 different Monstapals to create with each having its own distinct look and sound so make sure you find them all. Once the Monstapals have been unleashed in their new home you can learn fun facts about each of your creations.
At the heart of our project was the aim to educate the user about Australian flora and fauna. An engaging experience keeps the user curious while immersing them in a fantasy world.
4.6 stars
We had a rough start with supporting the enormous amount of artwork, however once we overcame this, all we hear is praise from around the world.

Game play
The game play is designed to be very simple to ensure the player focuses on the key concepts, the engaging artwork and environment presented by the game. We’ve placed some historical space moments in the art including the Tesla that Space X flew into space.
The spacehship
The spaceship is the key control of the game, to enable moving around the world using the navigation unit.
Child friendly
Monstapals was built on our ethos of a fair price for all products. The app contains no tracking, advertising or in-app purchases, making it a a safe parent-approved purchase. It does not use the camera, your location or any other data that can be linked to the user.
Great Game we need sequels with continents.
I wouldn’t mind see a sequel with Asia…Africa…South America…North America…Europe…Indonesia…the Arctic and Antarctic. I wouldn’t mind one we’re you could combine dinosaurs or prehistoric animals In general I love this game and it’s so cute and addictive
More animals
You need more places to explore and more animals
Molto carina!
Davvero bella l’idea di mixare insieme degli animali per vedere cosa ne viene fuori. Però ce ne vorrebbero molti di più e soprattutto più comuni. Perché non utilizzare gli animali della fattoria o della giungla? Io li prendere anche se fossero pacchetti a pagamento. Altra cosa: l’astronave è davvero difficile da comandare per un bimbo visto che bisogna mandare a sx per farla andare a dx e viceversa. Possibile non di possa trovare un metodo più semplice? Comunque bravi il gioco è molto originale.
Sticker packs
We love the artwork so much that we decided make these little goodies.
Click the icons and grab the iMessage sticker packs!
What's the story?
Watch our cut scene that tells you about how it all started!
We have more videos on our YouTube channel.